The embodiment of GOD: Jesus in us, or world, our generation!
Trust GOD!
Led by spirit: yet testing spirits!
Moving to GOD'S government's manifestation (his will being done on earth as in heaven) ... !
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キ GOD'S Beautiful Family English School:
キ Jesus' Advocacy International:
キ Jesus' Governing Party:
キ Jesus' Helpers' Office introduction:
キ Jesus' HO overall ministries summarized 28 January 2013:
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JESUS' Helpers' Office Trust Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, St James 202110564160 (BSB 062-021 Account number 1056 4160 Account title ROBERT GEORGE CHRISTIE ITF JESUSf HELPERSf OFFICE)
JESUS' Advocacy International: Australian and New Zealand Bank, BSB 012 110 Acct 2690 15125 (For every day usage covering all expenses concerning JESUS' Helpers' Office)