Jesus' Helpers' Office


Following Jesus, entirely!

Forsaking all, following!

Living for Jesus!
Moving to unity with GOD and Jesus:  in patience with others, yet perfectly loving and trusting GOD'S salvation plan in the contetx of his sole knoledge of all details (in every area of life), combined with his loving goodness and all-powerfulness (all seen in Jesus' embodiment of himself.

The embodiment of GOD: Jesus in us, or world, our generation!

Trust GOD!

Led by spirit:  yet testing spirits!

Moving to GOD'S government's manifestation (his will being done on earth as in heaven) ... !


Contact if would like to get involved!






u Tube recordings:

JESUS' Helpers' Office on U Tube: 

キ                                      GOD'S Beautiful Family English School:

キ                                      Jesus' Advocacy International:

キ                                      Jesus' Governing Party:

キ                                      Jesus' Helpers' Office introduction:

キ                                      Jesus' HO overall ministries summarized 28 January 2013:


Send cheques or money orders, or via Direct Deposits (or via any branch of relevant bank):

JESUS' Helpers' Office Trust Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, St James 202110564160 (BSB 062-021 Account number 1056 4160 Account title ROBERT GEORGE CHRISTIE ITF JESUSf HELPERSf OFFICE)

JESUS' Advocacy International: Australian and New Zealand Bank, BSB 012 110 Acct 2690 15125 (For every day usage covering all expenses concerning JESUS' Helpers' Office)


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