This ‘ministry’ acknowledges the desire of many people of non-English speaking backgrounds to learn English (for whatever reason). It also connects with this (God given) opportunity, the imperative to share the gospel. (Accompanied by the need to sound warning that not to do is to expose the whole world to repeating The Tower of Babel (not learning from history!)!) In fact, the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ in us is, in fact, it is hoped, adequately shared: so it may become fulfilled also in them. That is, this is not an English (language learning) class or venture: it is an adventure into the discovery of life itself: the maximising of its potential and fulfilment (eternally), for those who wish to apply all they connect with, to their lives.
This is founded on the presence of the life of Jesus in those involved in this work. It offers the use of the scripture in Basic English, to more complex English (seven ‘levels’), it allows for movement into study of the whole Word as it is. In summary, it is a transport mechanism to take those willing to enter into it, from their level of basic-English (indicated by the first lesson’s requirements) to being able to study and discuss all of scripture in all its fullness in any open English setting. This will incorporate not only religious insights, but includes (as does scripture) basic foundational connection with all subjects. As such, this is an introduction to all involved, to connect with a sound and truly analytical perception: in a manner that can assist their keeping themselves (and others) from the deceptive errors of many schools of delusional analysis: which in truth, would keep them from truth itself. This is within the context of the liberty needed to pursue truth in all its fullness.
This is provided free of charge, relying on the provision of the Lord God Almighty, completely, in due fear, respect and gratitude (donations most welcomed! ({Donations via JESUS’ Advocacy International, ANZ (Australia and New Zealand) Bank account no.: 2690 015 125 BSB: 012 110. Receipt and response will be made as the Holy Spirit enables.}) ).
God’s Beautiful Family English School
God’s provision of resources: to assist our repentance from rebellion (to do our own thing) with the consequent removal of God’s curse of confusion through the learning of a common language, based on the fear of God and due respect for our Father in Heaven. With due commitment to do his purposes for our lives, by faith: as opposed to our own pleasure, void of him. (As occurred at The Tower of Babel!)
This work will involve the teaching of the Bible (and its application), in English, through degrees of language development. The program will be flexible and able to be modified in different situations, as the Holy Spirit leads. The end result will be the ability to read the Scriptures in English, with sensitivity to their personal application in the reader’s life.
This will not be fee-based, but free will 'free-service-based' (as Jesus’ ministry was) with, hopefully, donations. However, in truth trust in God’s provision is foundational: as for all work in Jesus’ Helpers’ office; as in Jesus’ life {his in us}: by faith, seeking first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness for His Name’s sake; and all these (other, necessary) things will be provided.]
This format is set for those introducing themselves into the Bible and may be seen as insignificant to those already developed in Bible teaching (in their own language). However, I'm sure it can be useful even there.
The format does not use actual scripture, but rather a simplification and summary of the whole in hopefully a useful way. Some may desire use of scripture purely: this can be done of course; with significant adjustment and with like simplification (and summary). It has been hoped to incorporate major themes helpful to those of other than Christian exposed cultures.
It is hoped the experience can be suffered in its limitations and full use made of its opportunities.
Final Goal:
This is, the life of Christ in us; God in us. His love, joy, peace, gentleness, patience, sorrow, grief, patience: all allowed free expression in us. In fact, it is to allow the liberty of the expression of God's pleasure in us, to all its fullness: this is the final goal of God's Beautiful Family English School, and all those connected with it; as part of Jesus' Helpers' Office. Its final end, its finish, the completion of its function, is the production in all involved, that liberty to begin the release and liberty in themselves, from themselves, only occurring in our Father in Heaven's allowance of completeness of expression: in us, in totality. That is, the allowance by us of the life of Christ being duplicated in our lives: his purity, his wholeness: his life’s expression of all God always wanted for us all (the full restoration of life as God originally intended, in every way).
GOD’S Beautiful Family English School.
His Story
Level 1
This story is God’s story.
God is the father of all people.
But we did not want to do what he told us.
So we are now as we are, in a not very happy world.
We need to study His story as it helps us look at all our world and us. That is, this story is also our story, the story of all people and our world and why things are the way they are.
As we study what has made things the way they are, we also can begin to see our way back to how God wants it to be. This is seen as the Bible shows us how to make our world a better, happier place to live: for all people.
God has tried to show us what we need to see in history, in the history of all our fathers and in his use of the history of the people of Israel, and in the life of Jesus.
This History has one writer
Many people wrote the book, but were led by the one God in what to write. This can only be seen as we find God too and come to know him well.
It is a book written by God, with many people, over a long time. Its name is ‘the Bible’, but many name it also, ‘The Word of God’.
It may also be seen as a copy of a book
It has been copied, and is being, copied into many languages.
It would be hoped, the copy would also be in the way God wants, making it also the Word of God, in that language.
The Application of the book:
The final task in study is the application: we would hope this application would make it: The Word of God, come alive in the people who applied it.
(A note to the reader: you can choose your style of learning but to learn truth (in English) will need deep study: truth is more helpful than just a form of English, or any language.)
Possible New Words:
Application (ap - lee - ka - shone): The putting into practice a thing just learnt.
Applied (ap -plied): When the thing that is learnt is done.
Author (or - thor): The writer, the one who puts the words on paper that are read by others.
Become (be - come): To occur at a later time, to develop into, to change into.
Bible (Bye - bull): The Holy Scripture of the Christian faith (the Book of writings accepted as holy by Christians).
Connects (con - necks): Joins two things: keeps or makes two things together.
Connection (con - neck - shone): The act that connects.
Enable (en - able): to give the ability to do a thing.
Heavenly (hev - en - lee): Things from heaven: that place where the Lord GOD of the entire universe lives and where things are perfect.
History (hist -story): the record of events from the past.
Hope (hope): If we would like something to happen but don’t believe (as yet) it could, then, because we do not believe, we are hoping (hope) it will.
Humans (hu - mans): That is "us": people, includes any people (man or woman, old or young).
Inspired (in - spired): Motivates, makes you think in a new way or in a new direction.
Intended (in - ten - dead): A thing we hope to do, plan to do: but have not yet done.
Languages (lang - wages): the words and style of use words in groups.
Learn (learn): To come to know: the work we have to do to come to know (anything, about anything).
Period (peer - riod): A part of time, a measure of time.
Problems (prob - lems): Things that are not easy, things that are hard to get passed, things that make us work more than we think we should at any one time.
Prophet (proph - et): Those who maintained that connection with God to enable those in rebellion from God, to find their way back to God (to be reconciled to Him) if they wished.
Story (store - re): The telling of something.
Spirit (spir -rit): That part of life that is not in body, heart, or mind form, but is separate from our physical life, but can be part of it (if we want).
Rebellion (rebel - leon): disobedience: to refuse to obey: to refuse to do what asked or told.
Reconcile (reck - on - syle). To become friends again, to be re-connected, re-joined joined together.
Teaching (teach - ing): The presenting of new information to give others the opportunity (chance, ability) to learn.
Through (thru): with, by, via: in using; with the assistance of; with the help of.
Together (to - geth - err): one with another; or, side by side, or just in one another’s presence.).
Translation (trans - lay - shone): The changing of words, a letter or story, from one language to another.
Trying (tri - ing): to be making an attempt, to be working at something (to fix it)
Written (rit - ten): to record in letters or characters making into words and sentences of a language.
Wrote (rote): That is, writing that has been done in the past: the recording in writing that has already occurred
Would (wood): Will you do this? = Would you do this? It connects with past events.
Possible New Ideas:
GOD’S Spirit: That part of the life of GOD that cannot be seen yet is believed to exist by those who believe in GOD.
The father-hood (fathering) of GOD: The idea that God is our father: the father of all humans everywhere.
The Word of GOD: The record or writing of the word GOD has given: this may be seen in a life, or the activities of a human.
Possible New Challenges:
Becoming part of GOD’S family (GOD becoming our father): How is the family of GOD found and how do I become part of it?
Learning God’s word's (the Word of GOD’S) application (to me): How can I learn GOD’S word? As I am human (not like GOD): the Bible shows us in writing the story of GOD’S word connecting with humans. And then Jesus, his son, came to earth and showed us how to apply it (as GOD intended).
God’s Spirit: How can I connect with GOD’S Spirit? We do this with GOD’S help, by faith.
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: Evolution: is it true? (Did we come from monkeys?)
Possible Answer(s): We are too different from monkeys. There are no half-monkey (half-human) ‘creatures’.
Question: Are other religions true?
Possible Answer(s): They are true to the degree they are beneficial? Or are they the result of wrong thinking?
How do we make the world a better place (to live (for everyone))?
Possible Answers: By being nicer to one-another? By forgiving one another?
Possible New words from Discussion:
Beneficial (Benny - fish - e - al): helpful, of benefit to.
Better (bet - ter): more favored than something else: something regarded as superior to, or, nicer than, something else.
Different (diff - fer - rent): not the same as; but having other qualities than something else; different to it.
Evolution (evo - loo - shone): the developing of anything form being a standard item to becoming something suited to its environment: developed or evolved to suit its environment.
Monkeys (mon - keys): animals with long legs and arms (normally); that usually live among trees and swing from branch to branch.
Nicer (nice -sir): something loved or appreciated more than something else.
Religions (re - lid - John's): forms of belief in or worship in a god or form of a god, or something worshipped or given service to as a god.
Possible new Ideas from Discussion:
We are all from the same spirit?
We are all some distance form what we should be?
Language development:
How does it occur?
Why does it occur?
How could God affect language?
Being truly human?
What is spirit?
How did religion begin?
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I make the world a better place?
Loving all humans.
Finding truth?
How do I find the Lord GOD?
How do I become a truly loving person who does only well (not any evil)?
God’s Beautiful Family English School
Modified lesson 1
(If actual level 1 too difficult!)
GOD’S Beautiful Family English School.
His Story
Level 1
This story is God’s story.
God is the father of all people.
But we did not want to do what he told us.
So we are now as we are, in a not very happy world.
We need to study His story as it helps us look at all our world and us. That is, this story is also our story, the story of all people and our world and why things are the way they are.
As we study what has made things the way they are, we also can begin to see our way back to how God wants it to be. This is seen as the Bible shows us how to make our world a better, happier place to live: for all people.
God has tried to show us what we need to see in history, in the history of all our fathers and in his use of the history of the people of Israel, and in the life of Jesus.
This History has one writer
Many people wrote the book, but were led by the one God in what to write. This can only be seen as we find God too and come to know him well.
It is a book written by God, with many people, over a long time. Its name is ‘the Bible’, but many name it also, ‘The Word of God’.
It may also be seen as a copy of a book
It has been copied, and is being, copied into many languages.
It would be hoped, the copy would also be in the way God wants, making it also the Word of God, in that language.
The doing of the book:
The last job in study is the doing: this would make it: The Word of God, come alive in the people who do it.
New Words:
Become (be - come): To occur at a later time, to develop into, to change into.
Bible (Bye - bull): The Holy book of the Christian faith (the Book of writings accepted as holy by Christians).
Connects (con - necks): Joins two things: keeps or makes two things together.
Connection (con - neck - shone): The act that connects.
Enable (en - able): to give the ability to do a thing.
Heavenly (hev - en - lee): Things from heaven: that place where the Lord GOD of the entire universe lives and where things are perfect.
History (hist -story): the record of events from the past.
Hope (hope): If we would like something to happen but don’t believe (as yet) it could, then, because we do not believe, we are hoping (hope) it will.
Humans (hu - mans): That is "us": people, includes any people (man or woman, old or young).
Inspired (in - spired): Motivates, makes you think in a new way or in a new direction.
Intended (in - ten - dead): A thing we hope to do, plan to do: but have not yet done.
Languages (lang - wages): the words and style of use words in groups.
Learn (learn): To come to know: the work we have to do to come to know (anything, about anything).
Period (peer - riod): A part of time, a measure of time.
Problems (prob - lems): Things that are not easy, things that are hard to get passed, things that make us work more than we think we should at any one time.
Prophet (proph - et): Those who maintained that connection with God to enable those in rebellion from God, to find their way back to God (to be reconciled to Him) if they wished.
Story (store - re): The telling of something.
Spirit (spir -rit): That part of life that is not in body, heart, or mind form, but is separate from our physical life, but can be part of it (if we want).
Rebellion (rebel - leon): disobedience: to refuse to obey: to refuse to do what asked or told.
Reconcile (reck - on - syle). To become friends again, to be re-connected, re-joined joined together.
Teaching (teach - ing): The presenting of new information to give others the opportunity (chance, ability) to learn.
Through (thru): with, by, via: in using; with the assistance of; with the help of.
Together (to - geth - err): one with another; or, side by side, or just in one another’s presence.).
Translation (trans - lay - shone): The changing of words, a letter or story, from one language to another.
Trying (tri - ing): to be making an attempt, to be working at something (to fix it)
Written (rit - ten): to record in letters or characters making into words and sentences of a language.
Wrote (rote): That is, writing that has been done in the past: the recording in writing that has already occurred
Would (wood): Will you do this? = Would you do this? It connects with past events.
New thoughts:
GOD’S Spirit: That part of the life of GOD that cannot be seen yet is believed to exist by those who believe in GOD.
The father-hood (fathering) of GOD: The idea that God is our father: the father of all humans everywhere.
The Word of GOD: The record or writing of the word GOD has given: this may be seen in a life, or the activities of a human.
New Jobs:
Becoming part of GOD’S family (GOD becoming our father): How is the family of GOD found and how do I become part of it?
Learning God’s word's (the Word of GOD’S) application (to me): How can I learn GOD’S word? As I am human (not like GOD): the Bible shows us in writing the story of GOD’S word connecting with humans. And then Jesus, his son, came to earth and showed us how to apply it (as GOD intended).
God’s Spirit: How can I connect with GOD’S Spirit? We do this with GOD’S help, by faith.
Talking Topics:
Question: Evolution: is it true? (Did we come from monkeys?)
Possible Answer(s): We are too different from monkeys. There are no half-monkey (half-human) ‘creatures’.
Question: Are other religions true?
Possible Answer(s): They are true to the degree they are beneficial? Or are they the result of wrong thinking?
How do we make the world a better place (to live (for everyone))?
Possible Answers: By being nicer to one-another? By forgiving one another?
New words from talking:
Beneficial (Benny - fish - e - al): helpful, of benefit to.
Better (bet - ter): more favored than something else: something regarded as superior to, or, nicer than, something else.
Different (diff - fer - rent): not the same as; but having other qualities than something else; different to it.
Evolution (evo - loo - shone): the developing of anything form being a standard item to becoming something suited to its environment: developed or evolved to suit its environment.
Monkeys (mon - keys): animals with long legs and arms (normally); that usually live among trees and swing from branch to branch.
Nicer (nice -sir): something loved or appreciated more than something else.
Religions (re - lid - John's): forms of belief in or worship in a god or form of a god, or something worshipped or given service to as a god.
New Thoughts from Talking:
We are all from the same spirit?
We are all some distance form what we should be?
Language development:
How does it occur?
Why does it occur?
How could God affect language?
Being truly human?
What is spirit?
How did religion begin?
Jobs from Talking:
How do I make the world a better place?
Loving all humans.
Finding truth?
How do I find the Lord GOD?
How do I become a truly loving person who does only well (not any evil)?
GOD’S Beautiful Family English School.
His Story
Level 2
This story is not only the story of GOD, but of His connecting with humanity also. That is, the connection(s) between ourselves, and the creator of our world.
He is God we are human. That is, this could be said to be the story of all peoples everywhere (humanity): this is our story, the story of us, and our relationship with God.
As creator of all, God is the creating Father of all people here in the world known as earth. This is the story of his family of people (humans) who He made in like Himself.
But we, God’s family, did not want to do what he told us. We did not trust Him: so we have become as we are, with all our problems and conflicts and misery.
We need to learn his story because it connects with all our problems, and ours; our daily conflicts that continually present themselves to us in our lives.
This means that this story is also our story, the story of humans and why things are the way they are not as nice as we would like sometimes; but very difficult.
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back: to how they were meant to be; how God made them, before we stopped trusting Him.
Our Father’s trying to teach us how to fix our mistakes: He does this through the special family He chose for this purpose: Israel. Finally He tries through His own son: Jesus. From these examples we can see how we should trust our creator Father and fix our (His) world to become as He intended (very good).
This History is a book with one author
Many people, who were just humans like us, wrote the book, but were inspired by the one Spirit of their creator Father. This can only be seen as we find that Spirit and can know it well. That is, as we develop a relationship with our creator Father. We need to choose to commence and develop this relationship (if we want it).
That is, it is not a book with two or more authors
It is a book written by God’s Spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some. Those who wrote, as God’s Spirit led them, not as they pleased, or thought best themselves. That is, t was not written by them, but by the Spirit that inspired or directed them.
It could also be seen as a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages: we would hope the translations would also be in the Spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language: written not as a translation by human minds, but as God’s Spirit directed.
It could also be seen as a translation of a book
It could also be
It could also be seen as a translation of a book s a translation of a book
The Application of the book:
The final task in reading is the application: we would hope this would also be in the same spirit; this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it in the spirit it was intended. Making those who apply it, living forms of God’s Word to us.
Possible New Words:
Caused: was the original force; made to begin; started.
Conflicts: fights, arguments or disagreements.
Connecting: joining; bringing together, usually by some joining or connecting tool or object.
Creator: maker.
Faith: This is based on belief
Finally: At the end, the last thing occurred, finally.
Israel: Those people who were descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob (in the Bible): the people God chose to reconcile us to himself: that family of people on earth who God uses to help the other families return to Him.
Misery: sadness, very deep sadness.
Mistakes: Errors, things we did not plan to do, but they happened even tough we did not want them to happen.
Peoples: human beings (of all ancestry).
Relationships: Friends have good relationships, enemies have bad relationships: relationships are those friendships (or enemies) we create as we live our daily lives.
Scripture: The special or ‘holy’ writings of a religion.
Possible New Ideas:
The father-hood (fathering) of GOD: The idea that God is our father: the father of all humans everywhere.
The Word of GOD: The record or writing of the word GOD has given: this may be seen in a life, or the activities of a human.
GOD’S Spirit: That part of the life of GOD that cannot be seen yet is believed to exist by those who believe in GOD.
Possible New Challenges:
Becoming part of GOD’S family (GOD becoming our father): How is the family of GOD found and how do I become part of it?
Learning God’s word (the Word of GOD’S) application (to me): How can I learn GOD’S word, as I am human (not like GOD). The Bible shows us in writing the history of GOD’S word connecting with humans, and then Jesus, his son, who came to earth and showed us how to apply it (as GOD intended).
God’s Spirit: How can I connect with GOD’S Spirit? We do this with GOD’S help, by faith.
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: Evolution: is it true? (Did we come from monkeys?)
Possible Answer(s): We are too different from monkeys. There are no ‘half’ monkeys (half human’s) ‘creatures’.
Question: Are other religions true?
Possible Answer(s): They are true to the degree they are beneficial.
How do we make the world a better place (to live (for everyone))?
Possible Answers: By being nicer to one-another.
Possible New words from Discussion:
Evolution: the developing of anything form being a standard item to becoming something suited to its environment: developed or evolved to suit its environment.
Different: not the same as; but having other qualities than something else; different to it.
Monkeys: animals with long legs and arms (normally); that usually live among trees and swing from branch to branch.
Religions: forms of belief in or worship in a god or form of a god, or something worshipped or given service to as a God.
Beneficial: helpful, of benefit to.
Better: more favoured than something else, something regarded as superior to or nicer than something else is regarded.
Possible new Ideas from Discussion:
We are all from the same spirit?
We are all some distance form what we should be?
Language development?
Being truly human?
What is spirit?
How did religion begin?
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I make the world a better place?
Loving all humans.
Finding truth?
How do I find GOD?
How do I become a truly loving person who does only good?
GOD’S Beautiful Family English School.
His Story
Level 3
This story is not only the story of God, but of His relationship with humanity also. That is, the relationship or connection(s) between ourselves, as part of the visible world, and the creator of the visible world: the connection between the creation and the creator. It is the book of our relationship with God.
He is God: we are human. That is, this could be said to be the story of all humanity (mankind): this is his story and the story of his relationship with his creator God. That is, this is the story of our relationship with God and its affect on all areas of our lives.
As creator of all, God is the creating Father of all people here in the world known as earth, as we know it. This is the story of his family of people (humans) who He made in like-image, with similar qualities, to Himself. It is the story of their rebelling and obeying their creator Father and the effects of this.
We, God’s family, did not want to do what he told us. We did not trust Him: so we have become as we are, with all our problems and conflicts and misery. This has made the Bible largely a story of man’s rebellion: his-story of rebellion.
We need to learn His story because it connects with all our problems and ours: our daily inner and outer conflicts that continually present themselves to us in life. It’s best we learn God’s version of history, that we trust his version (the Bible) and avoid repeating our ancestor’s errors.
That is, this story is also our story, the story of humans and why things are the way they are not as nice as we like sometimes; but more difficult than we would like the to be.
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back: to how they were meant to be; how God made them, before we stopped trusting Him. Our Father’s trying to teach us how to fix our mistakes: He does this through the special family He chose for this purpose: Israel and finally through His own son: Jesus. From these examples we can see how we should trust our creator Father and fix our (His) world to become as He intended (very good). We will need to trust his version of history and study it correctly in order to do this correctly.
This History is a book with one author
Many people wrote the book, but were inspired by the one spirit. Most of those people lived in Israel and were able to record what occurred in Israel, as God inspired them to.
This can only be seen as we find that spirit and can know it well. That is, we can only see how God used this recording of the history of Israel to show us why there are problems in our own world and lives, as God enables us so to do. Those who wrote this history wrote as God’s Spirit led them, not as they pleased, or thought best by their own limited understanding. We will need to ask God to help us come to believe this (by faith).
That is, it is not a book with two or more authors
It is a book written by God’s Spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It involved many people who recorded events in writing as they believe God wanted them to, this involved mostly recording the details of God’s chosen people’s, Israel’s relationship with God.
It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some.
It could also be seen as a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages. We would hope the translation would also be in the Spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language: written not as a translation by the work of human minds in their independent thoughts, but as God’s Spirit directed.
The Application of the book:
The final task in reading is the application: we would hope this would also be in the same Spirit; that this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it in the Spirit it was intended. Israel and all Peoples everywhere had not succeeded in this, but Jesus did succeed. He applied The Word of God correctly to his life: he believed God’s version of History and applied it correctly. If we also apply God’s history correctly to our lives, we will also make ourselves living forms of God’s Word his version of history, with its future, alive to those around us, as Jesus did to those around him (with reaction).
Possible New Words:
Ancestors: mother’s, father’s grandmother’s and grandfather’s: all those in our family ‘tree’ from whom we came originally.
Avoid try to miss: being seen or making contact. To keep away from something is to avoid it.
Choosing: to decide or select what one wants to accept one thing and reject another.
Continually: on-going, to continue and not stop.
Everywhere: in all places.
Evidence: the facts presented to attempt to convince one to choose one way over another.
Humanity: all humans everywhere.
Image: appearances, form, model (shape).
Natural: those things that just occur without any attempt to do any other thing.
Obedience: to do as asked (told, or instructed).
Present: to place before. (Can also mean a gift.)
Rebellion: not to do as told.
Repeating: happens again and again; continues.
Succeeded: achieved aim(s), won, victor.
Themselves: their person.
Version: translation, style, and a form of something else.
Visible: can be seen
Possible New Ideas:
The act(s) of choosing (by all peoples everywhere): how it occurs? While we make choices as individual people, we can also make choices in agreement with others: these choices are agreed group choices. The groups can be families, small communities, nations and even the whole world. We can indicate our agreement by not disagreeing.
The idea of obeying or disobeying (rebelling against) GOD: how can we obey or disobey an unseen GOD? GOD tells us we can see him in creation, so cannot say we cannot see him. In creation we can see his laws; the principles on which creation was made and is meant to function. We do not obey GOD (disobey) when we reject the application of those laws (ourselves, or collectively).
All people everywhere can be thought of as one group of people: distance and separation does not remove the unity in GOD’S eyes? When there is no disagreement, there is agreement. Separation does not negate responsibility.
Possible new words (from ‘New Ideas’):
Agreement: there’s no argument; everyone is happy.
Collectively: together, as a group or community.
Communities: usually a larger group that shares life together (in a larger area than just studying together).
Creation: to make, to form, and to commence the existence of something.
Disagreement: there is conflict, opposition.
Disobey: to rebel, refuse to do what asked to do.
Distance: the amount of space between two objects.
Groups: a class is a group of students; groups are made of a number of people with something in common.
Negate: made to become of no value (anything).
Principles: the main key points of logic, the reasoning behind the working of something, the main points (points of significance, important relevance).
Responsibility: can be blamed for any problems, based on authority, or accountability as to action(s) or in-actions.
Separation: the existence of two or more items that are not together; separate from one another usually cause by geographic or other natural or man-made boundaries.
Possible New Challenges:
Becoming part of GOD’S Beautiful Family (GOD becoming our father) by our choosing to become part of it (his family) through obedience as opposed to rebellion from it: how do we make such a choice (begin to obey GOD (our heavenly Father))? Do we need to make such a commitment?
Accepting responsibility for the communal choices of all people everywhere: how can we influence the choices of all peoples everywhere? Do we need to demonstrate our disagreement with communal and even global decisions, in regard to rebellion or obedience toward our Father in Heaven?
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: Is GOD democratic?
Possible Answer(s): No: he wants to be King. Yes: he wants us to choose him.
Question: How do we free ourselves from the wrong decisions of others in our group, community, and culture?
Possible Answer(s): By protesting. By separating us from them. By trying to help them see truth. How far should we go to try to convince our group (community or world) on what we believe to be right?
Possible New words from Discussion:
Democracy: rule of majority.
Protesting: speaking out against (demonstrating disagreement).
Separating: dividing, ending connection with, moving away from.
Trying: attempting to do something, doing the best we can.
Possible New Ideas from Discussion:
We are all responsible for the democratic choices of all peoples on the earth.
If we do not protest, we are responsible for our country's actions.
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I make the world (my country of community (or even class)) a better place (and stop it from making wrong choices)?
God’s beautiful family English school.
His Story
Level 4
This story is not only the story of God, but of His relationship with humanity also. That is, the relationship or connection(s) between ourselves, as part of the visible world, and the creator of this visible world. That is, a connection between the creation and the creator. It is the book of our relationship with God. That is, it could be said it is the story of ‘man’: his story (the history of man).
He is God: we are human. That is, this could also be said to be the story of man (humanity’s) relationship with God. When we say man we are using the word man to describe all ‘men’: men and women and children: mankind, humanity. That is, this is the story of their relationship with God and its affect on all areas of our lives.
As creator of all, God is the Father of all people here in the world that we know as earth: He has ‘fathered’ us. This is the story of His family, His creation. As human, perhaps we are especially interested in his fathering of us: of people, who He made in like-image to Himself. It is the story of their (our) sometimes rebelling and sometimes obeying their creator; their ‘Father’ and the effects of this upon them. When God made us, He used to live with us, but we did not trust Him. But disobeyed Him. He then made us to leave the place we shared together: ‘the Garden of Eden’: where it was very good (not like our present world with all its ‘problems’).
We, God’s family, did not want to do what he told us. We did not trust Him: so we have become as we are, with all our problems and conflicts and misery. Thus, we chose to rebel: to do as we pleased, as we thought best! We trusted our selves, our understanding and knowledge, more than God. This has made the Bible largely a story of man’s rebellion, disbelief of, and rejection of God: It has thus become his history of rebellion (against his Father).
So we are now as we are, with all our problems, problems of our own choosing. We rejected our Father’s attempts to help us: His instructions that were greater than our level of understanding’s development. We would not believe in Him, but chose to believe a lie about Him.
We need to learn His story because it connects with ours: and the story of the beginning of all our problems, our daily inner and outer conflicts that continually present themselves to us in life. It’s best we learn God’s version of history, that we trust his version (the Bible) and avoid repeating our ancestor’s errors. In short, we need to learn to trust in our Father and not our own level of understanding (always).
We need to see the truth, that this story is also our story, the story of humans and why things are the way they are: it is evidence of our free will chosen path and the natural consequences of taking that path, making those choices. The path is the path of our history and how we can choose to change our path, our history. These wrong choices are why things are not as nice as we like sometimes, but more difficult than we would like them to be. We have created these problems by our unbelief (in God’ s wisdom, his words (even his words regarding history)).
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back: to how they were meant to be; how God made them, before we stopped trusting Him. If we are not prepared to accept the lessons from learning this story, we remain trapped in the limits of our own understanding and cannot be free to be as God intended us to be. Our Father’s trying to teach us how to fix our mistakes: He does this through the special family He chose for this purpose: Israel and finally through His own son: Jesus. That is, our father’s trying to teach us to make correct choices, and avoid the errors of the past, we need to ‘listen’ carefully to make sure we avoid repeating the old mistakes: we need to learn from them (from history).
From these examples (Israel and Jesus) we can see how we should trust our creator Father and fix our (His) world to become as He intended it to be (very good). We will need to trust his version of history and study it correctly in order to do this correctly. We could say that the Bible is the letter our father has written to us here in time on earth. That is, from his place of eternity in heaven, so we can learn this lesson.
This History is a book with one author
Many people wrote the book, but were inspired by the one Spirit. Most of those people lived in Israel and were able to record what occurred in Israel, as God inspired them to. They showed us both good and bad things, so we could learn to make good decisions and not choose the bad decisions, with their bad results.
This can only be seen as we find that Spirit and can know it well. That is, we can only see how God used this recording of the history of Israel to show us why there are problems in our own world and lives, as God enables us so to learn. That is, to learn the lessons our Father desires we’ll learn: from Israel and then from the life, death and ‘resurrection’ of Jesus. Those who wrote this history wrote as God’s Spirit led them; not as they pleased, or thought best themselves. We will need to ask God to help us come to believe this (by faith).
That is, it is not a book with two or more authors
It is a book written by God’s spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It involved many people who recorded history and its events as they believe God wanted them to, mostly recording the details of Israel’s relationship with God. That is, the record of their obedience and disobedience to their Father, God.
It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some. It is God’s word to man generally, then to Israel, then to us all, through Jesus.
It could also be seen as a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages. This is a translation into English at a basic level of English language development. It is hoped the same message can be found as is in the Bible, by those wishing to find it, if they choose to find it, in this, the same as in the Bible.
We would hope any translation would be in the Spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language, to us, wherever we are, in our language at that point in our lives.
The Application of the Book (the Bible):
The final task in reading is the application: we would hope this would also be in the same Spirit; that this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it in the Spirit it was intended. Israel and all peoples everywhere had not succeeded in this, but Jesus’ did succeed. He applied The Word of God correctly to his life: he believed God’s version of History and applied it correctly. If we also apply God’s history correctly to our lives, we will also make ourselves living forms of God’s Word: his version of history, with its future: in living, human form. Declaring to those around us, as Jesus did to those around him (with their reaction to us, as there was to Jesus).
Possible New Words:
Between: the area from one thing to another: what is in the middle of them.
Carefully: with care, gently, taking caution: with added attention.
Everywhere: in all places.
Especially: special, particularly, significant.
Describe: to tell me about; tell me what it looks like; tell me something about it that helps me visualize it.
Nice: pleasant, enjoyable, lovely.
Path: way, direction, traveling walkway, a place for people to walk on.
Repeating: doing again, continue as before, making the same mistakes.
Trapped: unable to leave; a prisoner; not free, stuck, cannot escape; imprisoned.
Possible New Ideas:
The act(s) of reading the Bible in Hebrew and Greek. Their importance?
The ‘Canon’ of the Bible (the books contained in the Bible).
The need to study the whole Bible. The risk of just studying some? How to survive our ignorance?
Possible new words from New Ideas:
Canon: the total of all the books chosen to be included in the Bible.
Ignorance: not knowing, lack of knowledge or understanding.
Survive: to live through an experience, event or journey.
Possible New Challenges:
Becoming aware of need for Holy Spirit in Bible Study
Admit limits of understanding; caused by limit to language understanding alone.
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: Can the Bible be read in any language or does the original need reading?
Possible Answer(s): It may be helpful to red the Bible in its original language, however, even if this does occur, faith is needed, as is the Holy Spirit.
Question: How do I overcome the limits in my understanding of what scripture may be trying to tell me, by not being perfectly able to understand and read the original languages?
Possible Answer(s): Even if I understood all languages, without faith, I’ll fail; so, if by faith I do the best I can, by grace, I may well arrive at a better understanding than even a language expert.
Third) Question: How do I know the correct books to be considered as Holy; or authorized, or correctly to be studied as “Scripture”?
Possible Answer(s): It would seem that if the ‘sign’ of scripture is that it is a message from God, then there should be a sense of that in it.
Possible New words from Discussion:
Authorized: approved, accepted by those in authority, those who should know, experts.
Arrive: come to, get to, make it to the end.
Expert: someone who has studied or knows well about a certain fact, element or situation.
Fail: not to succeed, to miss the aimed target, not to achieve what one had aimed for.
Grace: the free gift from God; something achieved by a gift, not by merit; a gift, not a reward.
Original: the first, the item that began something, the initiator.
Possible New Ideas from Discussion:
We do not need to be an expert in the original languages to study the Bible, but we do need to know we can trust the work the translators have done in the past.
It is by grace we come to connect with God.
Man is so slow to learn.
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I make it easier for those coming behind me to ‘connect’ with God, his message to us: his love?
How do I show my thanks to those who have helped me: those who have translated the Bible (even into English)?
How can I avoid going the wrong way into error in my reading of scripture; how can I avoid poor or deceived translations?
God’s Beautiful Family English School
His Story
In English
Level 5
This is the story of history, a history that is eternal. This has been written by many people and has caused many to be happy and many to be angry.
To be eternal it needs to include an eternal story. But to be relevant to our lives as we presently experience them, it needs to connect with time, as we presently experience it.
Because it is eternal, it is more than we normally think of, or even capable of thinking of (physically). That is, it is supernatural. Because it is supernatural, we need more than our natural senses to connect with it. That is, it requires us to use faith to connect with it and apply it to our present state of existence.
It is an endeavour to assist us to connect with God. It is not only the story of God, but also of His relationship with humanity. It is the story of us. It is the story of all our relationship with God (everyone’s).
He is God; we are human. That is, this could be said to be the story of man: this is His story: and, the story of His relationship with God. It could also be said to be the story of man’s search for, and loss of his connection with, eternal life, or life beyond our present existence, as we know it.
When we say man, we are talking of men, women and children: all peoples everywhere, humanity. That is, this is the story of all of our connecting (or avoiding connecting) with God.
God is the father of all people here in the world known as earth, this is the story of his family: their obedience and rebellion (with the consequences of both). When God made us, he used to live with us, but we did not trust Him. In fact He used to walk and talk with us. Because of our rebellion against Him, he asked us to leave the place we shared together here on earth: the Garden of Eden.
Thus, we chose to rebel: do as we pleased, as we thought best! We trusted our selves, our own understanding and knowledge: more than God. We rejected him and His plan for us. We chose to become friends with another (Satan): judging him to be more worthy of our trust than our Father God.
So we are as we are, with all our problems, problems of our own choosing based on what we have thought wisest. We rejected our Father’s attempts to help us: His instructions that were greater than our level of development. We would not believe in Him.
We need to learn His story because it connects with ours, and all our problems, and the choices we made and how we can reverse the choices, and also the results they bring. In short, we need to learn to trust in our Father and not our own level of understanding: to obey him and actively choose His plan, to ask forgiveness and for a second chance.
We need to see the truth, that this story is also our story, the story of humans and why things are the way they are: it is evidence of our free will chosen path and the natural consequences of taking that path, making those choices. The path is the path of our history and how we can choose to change our path, our history.
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back. If we are not prepared to accept the lessons from learning this story, we remain trapped in the limits of our own understanding and cannot be free to be as God intended us to be.
This is, as we see our Father’s trying to teach us, showing us how to fix our mistakes, make correct choices, and avoid the errors of the past, we need to ‘listen’ carefully to make sure we avoid repeating the old mistakes: instead, we learn from them.
We could say the Bible is the letter our Father has written to us all so we can learn this lesson. God did this in telling us about Israel and finally through showing us Jesus. He tried to show us through Israel, but Jesus was necessary, as Israel could not be faithful to the task God entrusted it to.
This History is a book with one author
Many people wrote the book, but were inspired by the one Spirit. Most of those people lived in Israel and were able to record what occurred in Israel, as God inspired them to. They showed us both good and bad things, so we could learn to make good decisions and not choose the bad decisions, with their bad results.
This can only be seen as we find that Spirit and can know it well (learn to recognize it, as opposed to a deceptive spirit (Satan’s). That is, we can only see how God used this recording of the history of Israel: to show us why there are problems in our own world and lives: as God enables us so to learn from Israel, and then, from the life, death and ‘resurrection’ of Jesus. Jesus then directs us to the Holy Spirit, to individually lead us, at a speed we can individually cope with, to overcome those horrors of our past wrong choices.
That is, it is not a book with two or more authors
It is a book written by God’s Spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It involved many people who recorded events and all as they believe God wanted them to, mostly recording the details of Israel’s relationship with God. That is, the record of their obedience and disobedience to their Father, God.
It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some. It is God’s word to us generally, then to Israel specifically, then to us all: through Jesus. That is, Israel didn’t become the people that God intended them to be. It wasn’t until Jesus that the Word of God that had been given to Israel truly began to reach outside of Israel to the rest of the world (all people everywhere).
It could also be seen as a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages. This is a translation into English at a basic level of English language development. It is hoped the same message can be found as is in the Bible; by those wishing to find it, or if they choose to find it; in this, the same as in the Bible.
We would hope any translation would be in the spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language, to us, wherever we are, in our language at that point in our lives. Even this translation, in simple language to the reader at the level they are at, at this point of their English language skill.
The application of the Book (God’s Word to us (that includes you (and me))):
The final task in reading is the application: in the would hope this would also be in the same spirit; this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it in the spirit it was intended. Israel and all people from everywhere had not succeeded in this, but Jesus did succeed. Thus Jesus’ life could be seen in our life as we applied the reading of the Bible to our lives.
That is, the Word of God need not come alive: it can just be dead to us: as we don’t apply it to our life, freely and productively.
Possible New Words:
Actively: with action, with movement, in a lively manner.
Angry: not happy, upset, annoyed or agitated by something (or someone).
Assist: help, support, work with …
Chance: opportunity, allow, a gift to try again.
Choose: decide, select, to set aside.
Consequences: the results of some action or non-action.
Deceptive: lying, misleading, tricky.
Decisions: deciding, selecting, choose.
Development: maturity, learning, understanding.
Directs: indicates direction; points, shows.
Endeavour: to try to make an effort to do or achieve something.
Entrusted: trusted with, given the trust of; faith has been placed in them or it.
Everyone: all peoples everywhere.
Existence: presently alive, a present fact in life, a truth.
Forgiveness: the act of giving pardon; not seeking revenge; not reacting against another justifiably for wrong they have done against one.
Happy: glad, at peace with something, content.
Horrors: fearful misery, combined with devastating impact.
Individually: singly, one at a time; one person at a time.
Instructions: directions; teachings, advice as to what needs to be done, with warning as to consequences if not.
Necessary: needful, must have (to do something).
Normally: usually, the expected (event or thing).
Prepared: ready, equipped for activity, organized, waiting for time to begin: having done all needed to begin.
Receptive: accepting; appreciative; willing to listen.
Relevant: important, connected to something (or someone).
Requires: something that is necessary for a thing, it ‘requires’: something it asks for.
Reverse: go back to previous (original) position.
Shared: used in common, by two or more people.
Show: to reveal, to expose to view; to demonstrate.
State: place, position, level of existence at a point of time: state of health, well being, happiness, etc.
Supernatural: not normally experienced in our world naturally, unusual, not expected.
Telling: to tell, to announce, convey a message.
Trust: rely on; have faith in, believe: place my confidence in, base my actions on something or someone I trust.
Wisest: the best choice; the most clever, the best decision possible in the circumstances (situation).
Possible New Ideas:
The idea of there being Father, Son and Holy Ghost … (their agreement, unity, separation): a God, his Spirit and a Son of God (also known as The “Word of God” (made flesh).). That is, there is still only one God, yet in three forms: the ‘Word’ (Jesus), the spirit (the comforter) and the Father (the creator), or: one God, having three titles, functions or roles. Is this similar to the idea of collective agreement?
Hell: our choice? How can a loving God ‘send’ anyone to hell; or do we choose? Do we choose hell by not choosing heaven (to choose God)? Is it really perhaps just our election not to go God’s way: the use of our free will?
Perfection: is it possible? How can we get ‘there’?
Patience, suffering, perseverance and resisting Satan: is this all essential in any task, even this simple task, not just “Godly” task(s) (special)?
Possible new words from New Ideas:
Collective: group, gathering, usually of people.
Essential: must have, something without which I cannot survive.
Heaven: that place God promises as a reward for those who choose to live in agreement with his plans for life.
Hell: the alternative to heaven; where those who reject God and his plan for life go.
Perfection: without fault, no errors, completely correct.
Perseverance: continuation without stopping; not giving up, or surrendering.
‘Resisting’: to resist presently, continually: the activity or demonstration of showing we don’t’ want something, we show, by rejecting and letting know we do not choose that way (by some act).
Unity: togetherness, as one, in agreement.
Possible New Challenges:
Making sure I am able to resist the temptation to reject God and his way with his heaven.
Allowing for Holy Spirit in Bible Study; not just the Word, or even the Word and the Father, but all three (in agreement (God in all his fullness).
How do I develop patience? Do I need self-control (to do this)? Perhaps I should ask God (by faith) if I need to (to help me)?
How can I make sure I persevere? Would it help me if I feared God (truth) correctly (truthfully): do I need to ask God to help me here (in this area) too?
How do I make sure I get to heaven and am not on my way to hell? If I seek the truth on this matter and I am willing to accept the answer (whatever it is), by faith, God should be fair (reasonable, just and kind) in telling me the truth.
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: How can I guarantee my being saved from going to hell?
Possible Answer(s): Repent (tell God I’m sorry)! Ask him to forgive me. Do whatever I should truly do to show that I’m truly sorry.
Question: How do I guarantee my going to heaven?
Possible Answer(s): Follow Jesus: he has gone to heaven and he says if we follow him, we will go too.
Question: How can I make sure I don’t give up on this ‘mission’ or get distracted an miss on getting to heaven?
Possible Answer(s): I need to find Jesus, seek for him until I find him, then forsake (leave) everything and follow him.
Possible New words from Discussion:
Distracted: lead astray, turned aside form aim (objective).
Forsake: the activity of leaving: to leave, turn your back on and even to hate.
Repent: to be truly sorry, with acts that show the truth of the sorrow (regret).
Possible New Ideas from Discussion:
To forsake those things that would distract us from following Jesus: what does this include? Does it include everything else I value more highly than Jesus?
There are many things that can get my attention as I walk through life: what should I give attention to and what should I avoid? Is Satan trying to get my attention (distract me) or even using devices (other things) to succeed here?
Will I be seen as abnormal, or even weird, I f I do these things? Am I prepared to be different from others (who don’t follow Jesus): even family and friends?
How much will this cost me? Am I prepared to pay the cost (to forsake all to follow Jesus)? Do I believe strongly enough? How can I make my faith (believing) strong enough not to be distracted and to suffer being unacceptable to others and even forsaking everything for my decision to follow Jesus?
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I gain the courage to do all this?
What increases my faith?
How do I keep my faith alive?
God’s beautiful family
English school
His Story
(In English)
Level 6
This is the story of history, a history that is eternal. This has been written by many people and has caused many to be happy, many to be angry and many to be sad. To be eternal it needs to include an eternal story: a story that lasts forever. But to be relevant to our lives as we presently experience them, in time, it needs to connect with this time in our lives, as we presently experience it. Because it is eternal, it is more than we are capable of thinking of: it is supernatural. Because it is supernatural, we need more than our natural senses to connect with it. That is, it requires us to use faith to connect with it (and apply it to our present state of existence).
This history is an endeavour to assist us to connect with God (who is eternal). It is not only the story of God, but also his relationship with humanity (who presently live: in time). It is the story of us. The story also of our relationship with our Father in Heaven, God: it is our story.
He is God: we are human. That is, this could be said to be the story of man: this is his story and the story of his relationship with God. It could also be said to be the story of man’s search for, and his loss of connection with, eternal life, or life beyond our present existence, as we know it. When we say man we are talking of men, women and children: mankind, humanity. That is, this is the story of all of our connecting and not connecting with God. This is the story of the relationship of every one of us, and all our ancestors, with God (our father (creator)).
God is the father of all people here in the world known as earth, this is the story of his family: their obedience and rebellion. When God made us, He used to live with us, but we did not trust Him. In fact He used to walk and talk with us. Because of our rebellion against Him, he asked us to leave the place we shared together here on earth: “The Garden of Eden”.
Thus, we chose to rebel: to do as we pleased, as we thought best! We trusted our selves, our understanding and knowledge: more than God: we rejected Him and His plan for us.
So we have become now, as we are now, with all our problems, problems of our own choosing, based on decisions: as we have thought wisest for ourselves. We rejected our Father’s attempts to help us: we rejected His instructions: that were greater than our faith’s level of development. We would not believe in Him.
We need to learn His story because it connects with ours, and all our problems, and the choices we made and how we can reverse the choices, and also the results they bring. In short, we need to learn to trust in our Father and not our own level of understanding: to obey him and actively choose his plan, to ask forgiveness and for a second chance.
We need to see the truth, that this story is also our story, the story of humans and why things are the way they are: evidence of our free will chosen path and the natural consequences of taking that path, making those choices. The path is the path of our history and how we can choose to change our path, our history.
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back. If we are not prepared to accept the lessons from learning this story, we remain trapped in the limits of our own understanding and cannot be free to be as God intended us to be.
This is, as we see our Father is trying to teach us: showing us how to fix our mistakes, to make correct choices, and to avoid the errors of the past. We need to ‘listen’ carefully to make sure we avoid repeating the old mistakes (we, as humans, have made (in history)): instead, we need to learn from them.
We could say the Bible is the letter our Father has written to us all so we can learn this lesson. God did this in telling us about Israel and finally through showing us Jesus. He tried to show us through Israel, but Jesus was necessary, as Israel could not be faithful to the task God trusted it to do.
This History is a book with one author
Many people wrote the book, but were inspired by the one Spirit. Most of those people lived in Israel and were able to record what occurred in Israel, as God inspired them to. They showed us both good and bad things: so we could learn to make good decisions and not choose the bad decisions, with their bad results.
This can only be seen as we find that Spirit and can know it well. That is, we can only see how God used this recording of the history of Israel to show us why there are problems in our own world and lives, as God enables, assists and helps us. Without this assistance we really can’t find the truth of what God is trying to say to us. That is, it is only by including God in the reading that we can come to see the truth of what He is saying. We rejected God so hatefully that he said now we will only find Him if we seek for Him with our whole heart. In fact, he said He now hides himself.
That is, we need His help to learn from Israel, and, eventually, from the fullness God is trying to show us: in the death and ‘resurrection’ of Jesus.
(That is, it is not a book with two or more authors)
It is a book written by God’s Spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It involved many people who wrote as they believe God wanted them to, mostly recording the details of all humanity and particularly Israel’s relationship with God. That is, the record of our obedience and disobedience to our only true heavenly Father, God.
It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some. It is God’s word to man generally, then to Israel, then to us all, through Jesus. Perhaps this is why Jesus is called “the Word”: because we can really only correctly see the Word of God in Him: we (even Israel) could not truly connect without Jesus showing us the way.
It could also be thought to be a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages. This is a translation into English at a basic level of English language development. It is hoped the same message can be found as is in the Bible; by those wishing to find it, or if they choose to find it, in this, the same as in the Bible. That is, even though there are many translations, if we seek, we will find God’s word for us at our level of understanding (by faith).
We would hope any translation would be in the Spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language, to us, wherever we are, in our language at that point in our lives. (This is within the context of God’s hiding and the rebellion we have habitually let ourselves get into (and continue in).)
The application of the Book:
The final task in reading is the application (applying it, doing it, acting on it): we would hope this would also be in the same spirit; in fact, this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it (in the spirit it was intended). Israel and all peoples everywhere had not succeeded in this, but Jesus did succeed. Thus Jesus’ life could be seen in our life as we applied the reading of the Bible to our lives (in correct Spirit). Our old habits end and the new way of life begins: we die to our old ways (and beliefs) and are transformed or converted to God’s Word: Jesus.
Jesus said this would cause conflicts with those of our old life and that in fact we would experience rejection from them: as He did from His own culture: they crucified him. But He promised us, that just as He was raised to life again, so will we be: in fact, just as He rules in heaven, so will we rule (we will follow Him completely as we are completely committed to following Him). In fact, when we see him, we will be like Him, have that same spirit, character (love, patience, forgiveness, joy, etc.).
Some may say the Old Testament (about man’s history and Israel’s in particular), is the story about the non-application of the Word(s) of God to mankind. While the New Testament: that commences with the birth of Jesus (it is really just part of the same one book), is the history of the commencement of the application of the Word of God. That is, we commence to see life changes that seem to have some permanence as shown first in Jesus, then those who followed Him (up to us, you or me (as we choose to follow (or not))). That is, we se eternal choices, lifetime decisions being made (and kept) not just temporary ones.
As can be seen, the division is very significant (important) and in fact, it can be seen that our only hope is in Jesus’ coming: without that there just was increasing hopelessness. It’s up to us if we want to choose that way of hope, or follow the paths of our ancestors (our history without Jesus): that’s our choice, which takes us back to the Garden of Eden, where the first choice of not trusting God’s word took place (its our choice).
Possible New Words:
Converted: changed, turned from one direction or way to another.
Everywhere: in all places.
Guilt: wrong, not innocent, truly to blame (deserving to be punished).
Habits: things done so often we do them without thinking, just automatically.
Habitually: done by habit (without thinking or intention).
Hopelessness: without hope, expectation or assurance of success.
Significance: importance, level of importance, high level of importance.
Transformed: changed, converted (from one thing, to another), indicating a changing of form.
Possible New Ideas:
The idea of there being the possibility of being converted or transformed from one state of being to another.
Habits: their power over our lives that is not connected to our thinking, our loss of control caused by them and our need to regain control (perhaps).
Possible new words from New Ideas:
Self-control: the control of our selves as opposed to the non-control, such as when we let our emotions or those activities and thoughts that are just ‘habits’ to have free control (of ourselves).
Re-gain: to take again (control of self for example).
Possible New Challenges:
To regain control of our lives from our past (wrong) habits, so we are converted to all we can possibly be (as God wanted us to be). To the end the old habits that have controlled our lives; that we have each inherited from our ‘fallen’ ancestors and accept our new family and ancestor who is perfect (our Father in Heaven).
Possible Discussion Topics (with possible answers):
Question: How do I regain control?
Possible Answer(s): with God’s help: Satan is a worthy adversary (enemy) and I can see his ability to deceive the whole world and even a special nation (in God’s eye: Israel): so I’ll need God’s help.
Question: How do I become transformed into the person I was always meant to be, how do I fulfill all my potential capacities?
Possible Answer(s): we become transformed by actively renewing our minds (to become like Jesus’).
Possible New words from Discussion:
Adversary: opponent, one representing the other point of view: side, or party.
Capacity: ability, power and energy to perform an act or task.
Renewing: recreating: as God intended); making new again (leaving the old (behind).
Possible New Ideas from Discussion:
Why do we need to change?
If we commit ourselves (to become different) then we may lose old friendships?
If we forsake our old thinking (habits) we may not like what we change into and want to return (can we)?
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I decide whether to continue with this process (of change of direction) or not? Is all I really need to do is to have an assurance I have found truth?
How do I equip myself to give myself the best hope of success in this new life-style? Can I learn from Israel (their mistakes and ‘learning’)? By following Jesus?
God’s beautiful family
English school
His Story
(In English)
Level 7
This is the story of history, a history that is eternal. This has been written by many people and has caused many to be happy, many to be angry and many to be sad. It is the story of choice: eternal choice: by every human being who ever lived.
To be eternal it needs to include an eternal story: a story that lasts forever (never ends). But to be relevant to someone in the world of time: to our lives as they’re presently experienced, it needs to connect with this time in our lives, as we commonly experience it.
Because it is eternal, it is more than we can actually (truly) think of, it is super-natural (not normal). Because it is supernatural, we need more than our natural (normal) senses to connect with it. That is, it requires us to use faith to connect with it (and apply it to our present state of existence). It is in fact part of another world: the world of the spirit into which we need to be born, in order to make the necessary connection.
This history is, in fact, an endeavour to assist us to connect with God (who is eternal). It is not only the story of God, but also of His relationship with us in humanity (who presently ‘live’ in time). It is the story of us (in time); the story of our relationship: with God (in eternity).
He is God: we are human. That is, this could be said to be the story of man: that is, this is his story. And it is also the history of his relationship with God. It could also be said to be the story of man’s search for, and His loss of connection with, eternal life, or life beyond our present existence, as we know it. When we say man, we are talking of men, women and children: mankind, humanity. That is, this is the story of the relationship of all (everyone) of us with God: its positive and negative experiences and how we can learn to avoid the continuation of the negative and in fact to be healed from it.
God is the father of all people here in the world known as earth. This is the story of His family: their obedience and rebellion. When God made us, He used to live with us, but we did not trust Him. In fact He used to walk and talk with us. But, because of our rebellion against Him, he asked us to leave the place we shared together here on earth (we had spoiled it): the Garden of Eden.
Thus, we chose to rebel: to do as we pleased, as we thought best! We trusted our selves, our understanding and knowledge: more than God: we chose not to trust in God, but we chose to trust in another: Satan, and one another, as opposed to God. We rejected God and His plan for us: trusting in our own selves (our own understanding) and the alternative God had provided for us in the Garden of Eden itself.
So we now are as we are, with all our problems, problems of our own choosing based on those actions we have thought wisest for ourselves. We rejected our Father’s attempts to help us: his instructions that were greater than our level of development (we couldn’t see the logic, we refused to just believe it: it being greater than our mind alone could cope with, with its limited capacities). We refused to enliven our faith, to act in faith, and trust. We would not believe in Him (we refused, rebelled against God). We chose another ‘friend’.
We need to learn this story because it connects with our present state of existence and all our problems: the choices we made and the potential gaining of insight into how we can reverse the choices, and also the results they have brought. It shows how we can re-develop, re-connect with our old ‘friendship’ with God (by faith).
In short, we need to learn to trust in our Father and not our present level of understanding (individually or communally): to obey Him and actively choose His plan, to ask forgiveness and plead His mercy for a second chance.
We need to see the truth, that this story is our own story. This is the story of humans generally and of us all as individuals: and why things are the way they are: it is evidence of our free-will chosen path and the natural consequences of taking that path, making those choices. The path is the path of our history and how we can choose to change our path, our history (go back to the path God intended for us: His way).
As we learn what has made things the way they are, we also learn our way back. If we are not prepared to accept the lessons from learning this story, we remain trapped in the limits of our own understanding and cannot be free to be as God intended us to be. That is, this is our father’s trying to teach us, trying to show us how to fix our mistakes, to make correct choices, and to avoid the errors of the past. We need to ‘listen’carefully to make sure we avoid repetition of the old mistakes we made: we need to learn from them.
We could say this is Bible is the letter our father has written to us all so as we can learn this lesson. God did this in telling us about Israel and finally through showing us Jesus. He tried to show us through Israel, but Jesus was necessary, as Israel could not be faithful to the task God trusted it to. However, we can learn from Israel: in fact God tells us we are to use them as an example of what to do and what not to do (as a nation or family).
This History is a book with one author (God: our father)
Many people wrote the book, but were inspired by the one spirit: they allowed themselves to do as God’s spirit directed them. Most of those people lived in Israel and were able to record what occurred in Israel, as God inspired them: and they allowed him to. They showed us both the good and bad things in Israel’s history: so we could learn to make good decisions and not choose the bad decisions, with their bad results: they were honest as God spirit required them to be; they were faithful in their recording. They gave themselves to God’s purposes in their lives: recording those in their nation’s history who also did and didn’t: with the results of each.
This can only be seen as we find that spirit and seek to know it truthfully and to know it well. That is, we can only see how God used this recording of the history of Israel to show us why there are problems in our own world and lives, as God enables, assists and helps us. Without this assistance we really can’t find the truth of what God is trying to say to us. That is, it is only by including God in the reading that we can come to see the truth of what he is saying. We rejected God so hatefully that he said now we we’ll only find him if we seek for him with our whole heart. In fact, he said he now hides himself.
That is, we need his help to learn from Israel and then from the life and eventually from fullness God is trying to show us in the death and ‘resurrection’ of Jesus.
(That is, it is not a book with two or more authors)
It is a book written by God’s spirit through many people, over a long period of time. It involved many people who wrote down as they believe God wanted them to, mostly recording the details of all humanity and particularly Israel’s relationship with God. That is, the record of our obedience and disobedience to our only true heavenly father, God.
It is called: ‘the Bible’, by many, ‘the Word of God’, by some. It is God’s word to man generally, then to Israel, then to us all, through Jesus. Perhaps this is why Jesus is called “the Word”: because we can really only correctly see the Word of God in him: we (even Israel) could not truly connect without Jesus showing us the way.
It could also be thought to be a translation of a book
It has been and is being translated into many languages. This is a translation into English at a basic level of English language development. It is hoped, the same message, can be found, as is in the Bible, by those wishing to find it, if they choose to find it, in this, the same as in the Bible. That is, even though there are many translations, if we seek, we’ll find God’s word for us at our level of understanding (by faith).
We would hope any translation would be in the spirit of God; making it also the Word of God, in that language, to us, wherever we are, in our language at that point in our lives. (This is within the context of God’s hiding and the rebellion we have habitually let ourselves get into (and continue in).)
The application of the book:
The final task in reading is the application (applying it, doing it, acting on it (becoming a ‘real’ friend)). It would be hope this would also be in the same spirit; in fact, this would make the Word of God come alive in the people who applied it (in the spirit it was intended). Israel and all peoples everywhere had not succeeded in this, but Jesus did. Thus Jesus’ life could be seen in our life as we applied the reading of the Bible to our life (in correct spirit). Our old habits end and the new way of life begins: we die to our old ways (and beliefs) and are transformed or converted to God’s word: Jesus.
Jesus said this would cause conflicts with those of our old life and that in fact we would experience rejection from them: as he was by his own culture: they crucified him. But he promised us, that just as he was raised to life again, so will we: in fact, just as he rules in heaven, so will we (we will follow him completely as we are completely committed to following him (best friends possible)). In fact, when we see him, we’ll be like him: that is, pure as he is pure (have that same spirit, character (love, patience, forgiveness)).
Some may say the Old Testament: about man’s history and Israel’s in particular, is about the non-application of the Word(s) of God to mankind. In contrast, some may say: the New Testament, that commences with the birth of Jesus (it’s really just part of the same one book), is the history of the commencement of the application (applying of it) of the Word of God. This being seen (by faith) first in Jesus, then in those who followed him.
As can be seen, the division is very significant (important) and in fact, it can be seen that our only hope is in Jesus coming: without that there just was increasing hopelessness. It’s up to us if we want to choose that way of hope, or follow the path of our ancestors (our history without Jesus): that’s our choice, which takes us back to the Garden of Eden, where the first choice of not trusting God’s word took place (its our choice).
The first stage of application is to read and study the whole book ourselves: you are now ready to do that (in English); praying you will do this in the Spirit God intended.
Possible New Words:
Another: someone else.
Commencement: the beginning.
Commences: begins.
Enliven: to bring to life.
Healed: made well.
Negative: not good.
Particular: special part.
Positive: good, helpful, advantageous.
Repetition: repeating, continuing to do an activity.
Results: consequences, the effect of a matter, its result (in total).
Spoiled: messed-up, hurt, damaged.
Possible New Ideas:
The consequences if wrong choices are so bad, should we resist those temptations and the forces that tempt us?
How are we tempted?
How do we stop ourselves from giving-in to temptation?
Could we describe this as a “war”?
Are we in fact being called to a new life-style where the old horrors of life are no longer present and we begin to become how we were always meant to be: loving faithful and kind (to one another).
Possible new words from New Ideas:
Giving-up: surrendering, to submit to the opposing force
War: usually occurs between tow groups of opposite values: fighting, battles make up a war.
Possible New Challenges:
How can I prepare myself for this war? How can I include an Almighty (GOD) in it (on ‘my’ side): or do I have to agree with him and be in truth and in spirit on his side?
How can I guarantee success? Is there anything stronger than an ‘almighty’ GOD?
Possible Discussion Topics
(with possible answers):
Question: Should I study the ‘armies’ involved in this war?
Possible Answer(s): I should if I do it in the context of acknowledging how crafty and tricky the enemy is on one side and how almighty the other side is.
Question: is there a scientific method to study this?
Possible Answer(s): as in all science, there is a foundational belief system, so in order to be sure, I will need to study this initially.
Possible New words from Discussion:
Armies: usually the main fighting groups from each side or belief system.
Tricky: not as it appears, hidden, not clear.
Crafty: deceptive, tricky.
Science: usually a set of facts relating to a certain matter or area of study; with their interpretation (usually based on beliefs).
Foundational; it is that thing upon which other things are built or based.
Possible New Ideas from Discussion:
We cannot trust in science
We either need to fight or surrender
Possible Challenges from Discussion:
How do I make sure I find the truth about belief systems?
Is this all too difficult: can I just not get involved?
What is the most basic elements of this life-impacting ‘problem’?
All ‘new’ words (from all seven levels):
Actively: with action; with movement, in a lively manner.
Adversary: opponent, one representing the other point of view, side, or party.
Agreement: there’s no argument; everyone is happy.
Ancestors: mother’s, father’s grandmother’s and grandfather’s: all those in our family ‘tree’ from whom we came originally.
Angry: not happy, upset, annoyed or agitated by something (or someone).
Another: someone else.
Application: The putting into practice a thing just learnt.
Applied: The application of learning.
Armies: usually the main fighting groups from each side or belief system.
Arrive: come to, get to, make it to the end.
Assist: help, support, work with …
Author: The writer, the one who puts the words on paper that are read by others.
Authorized: approved, accepted by those in authority, those who should know, experts.
Avoid: try to miss: being seen or making contact. To keep away from something is to avoid it.
Become: To occur at a later time, to develop into, to change into.
Beneficial: helpful, of benefit to.
Better: more favoured than something else; something regarded as superior to or nicer than something else.
Bible: The Holy Scripture of the Christian faith (the Book of writings accepted as Holy by Christians).
Canon: the total of all the books chosen to be included in the Bible.
Carefully: with care, gently, taking caution: with added attention.
Chance: opportunity; allowance, gift to try again.
Choose: decide, select.
Choosing: to decide or select what one wants; to accept one thing and reject another.
Collective: group, gathering, usually of people.
Collectively: together; as a group or community.
Commencement: the beginning.
Commences: begins.
Communities: usually a larger group that shares life together (in a larger area than just studying together).
Conflicts: fights, arguments or disagreements.
Connecting: joining; bringing together, usually by some joining or connecting tool or object.
Connection: The act that connects
Connects: Joins, keeps or makes two things together.
Consequences: the results of some action or non-action.
Continually: on-going; to continue and not stop.
Converted: changed, turned from one direction or way to another.
Crafty: deceptive, tricky.
Creation: to make, to form, to commence the existence of something.
Creator: maker.
Deceptive: lying; misleading; tricky.
Decisions: deciding; selecting, choosing.
Democracy: rule of majority.
Development: maturity; learning, understanding.
Different: not the same as; but having other qualities than something else; different to it.
Directs: indicates direction; points, shows.
Disagreement: there is conflict, opposition.
Disobey: to rebel, refuse to do what asked to do.
Distance: the amount of space between two objects.
Distracted: lead astray, turned aside form aim (objective).
Enliven: to bring to life.
Endeavour: to try, to make an effort to do or achieve something.
Entrusted: trusted with, given the trust of; faith has been placed in them or it.
Essential: must have, cannot do without it.
Everyone: all peoples everywhere.
Everywhere: in all places.
Evidence: the facts presented to attempt to convince one to choose one way over another.
Evolution: the developing of anything form being a standard item to becoming something suited to its environment: developed or evolved to suit its environment.
Existence: presently alive, a present fact in life, a truth.
Expert: someone who has studied or knows well about a certain fact, element or situation.
Fail: not to succeed, to miss the aimed target, not to achieve what one had aimed for.
Faith: This is based on belief
Finally: At the end, the last thing occurred, finally.
Forgiveness: the act of giving pardon; not seeking revenge; not reacting against another justifiably for wrong they have done against one.
Forsake: to leave, turn your back on and even to hate.
Foundational; it is that thing upon which other things are built or based.
Giving-up: surrendering, to submit to the opposing force
Grace: the free gift from God; something achieved by a gift, not by merit; a gift not a reward.
Groups: a class is a group of students; groups are made of a number of peple with something in common.
Guilt: wrong, not innocent, truly to blame (deserving to be punished).
Habits: things done so often we do them without thinking, just automatically.
Habitually: done by habit (without thinking or intention).
Happy: glad, at peace with something, content.
Healed: made well.
Heaven: that place God promises as a reward for those who choose to live in agreement with his plans for life.
Heavenly: Things from heaven: that place where GOD lives and where things are perfect.
Hell: the alternative to heaven; where those who reject God and his plan for life go.
Hope: If we would like something to happen but don’t believe (as yet) it could, then, because we do not believe, we are hoping (hope) it will.
Hopelessness: without hope, expectation or assurance of success.
Horrors: fearful misery, combined with devastating impact.
Humanity: all humans everywhere.
Humans: These are us (people), includes any people (man or woman, male or female).
Ignorance: not knowing, lack of knowledge or understanding.
Image: appearance, or form, or model (shape).
Individually: singly, one at a time; one person at a time.
Inspired: Motivated, makes you think in a new way or in a new direction.
Instructions: directions; teachings, advice as to what needs to be done, with warning as to consequences if not.
Intended: A thing we hope to do, plan to do, but have not yet done.
Learn: To come to know: the work we have to do to come to know (anything, about anything).
Misery: sadness, very deep sadness.
Mistakes: Errors, things we did not plan to do, but they happened even tough we did not want them to happen.
Monkeys: animals with long legs and arms (normally); that usually live among trees and swing from branch to branch.
Natural: those things that just occur without any attempt to do any other thing.
Necessary: needful, must have (to do something).
Negate: made to become of no value.
Negative: not good.
Nice: pleasant, enjoyable, lovely.
Nicer: something loved or appreciated more than something else.
Normally: usually; the common, expected (event or thing).
Obedience: to do as asked (told, or instructed).
Original: the first, the item that began something, the initiator.
Particular: special part.
Path: way, direction, traveling walkway, a place for people to walk on.
Peoples: human beings (of all ancestry).
Perfection: without fault, no errors, completely correct.
Period: A part of time, a measure of time.
Perseverance: continuation without stopping; not giving up, or surrendering.
Positive: good, helpful, advantageous.
Prepared: ready, equipped for activity, organized, waiting for time to begin: having done all needed to begin.
Present: to place before. (can also mean a gift.)
Principles: the main key points of logic; the reasoning behind the working of something; the main points (points of significance, important relevance).
Problems: Things that are not easy, things that are hard to get passed, things that make us work more than we think we should at any one time.
Prophet: Those who maintained that connection with God to enable those in rebellion from God, to find their way back to God (to be reconciled to Him) if they wished.
Protesting: speaking out against (demonstrating dis-agreement).
Rebellion: not to do as told.
Receptive: accepting; appreciative; willing to listen.
Regain: to take again (control of self for example).
Relationships: Friends have good relationships, enemies have bad relationships: are those friendships (or enemies) we create as we live our daily lives.
Relevant: important, connected to something (or someone); significant.
Religions: forms of belief in or worship in a god or form of a god, or something worshipped or given service to as a god.
Repeating: doing again, continue as before, making the same mistakes.
Repetition: repeating, continuing to do an activity.
Repent: to be truly sorry, with acts that show the truth of the sorrow (regret).
Requires: when one demands, needs, asks for, one requires.
Resisting: showing we don’t’ want by rejecting and letting know we do not choose that way (by some act).
Responsibility: can be blamed for any problems; based on authority, or accountability as to action(s) or in-actions.
Results: consequences, the effect of a matter, its result (in total).
Reverse: go back to previous (original) position.
Science: usually a set of facts relating to a certain matter or area of study; with their interpretation (usually based on beliefs).
Scripture: The special or ‘holy’ writings of a religion.
Self-control: the control of our selves as opposed to the non-control; such as when we let our emotions or habits have free control (of ourselves).
Separating: dividing, ending connection with, moving away from.
Separation: the existence of two or more items that are not together; separate from one another usually cause by geographic or other natural or man-made boundaries.
Shared: something used in common (by two or more people)!
Show: to reveal, to expose to view; to demonstrate.
Significance: importance, level of importance, high level of importance.
Spirit: That part of life that is not in body, heart, or mind form, but is separate from our physical life, but can be part of it (if we want).
Spoiled: messed-up, hurt, damaged.
State: place, position, level of existence at a point of time: state of health, well-being, happiness, etc.
Succeeded: achieved aim(s)! Won, victor!
Supernatural: not normally experienced in our world naturally; unusual, not expected.
Survive: to live through an experience, event or journey.
Teaching: The presenting of new information to give others the opportunity (chance, ability) to learn.
Telling: to tell, to announce, convey a message.
Themselves: their person.
Through: with, by, via: in using; with the assistance of; with the help of.
Together: one with another; or, side by side, or just in one another’s presence.
Transformed: changed, converted (from one thing, to another), indicating a changing of form.
Translation: The changing of words, a letter or story, from one language to another.
Trapped: stuck, cannot escape; imprisoned.
Tricky: not as it appears, hidden, not clear.
Trust: rely on; have faith in, believe: place my confidence in, base my actions on something or someone I trust.
Trying: to make an attempt! To be working, persevering at something! To attempt to fix something! Attempting to do something, doing the best one can.
Unity: togetherness, as one, in agreement.
Version: translation, style, a form of something else.
Visible: can be seen.
War: usually occurs between two groups of opposite values: fighting, battles make up a war.
Wisest: the best choice; the most-clever, the best decision possible in the circumstances.
Would: Will you do this? = Would you do this? It connects with past events.
God’s Beautiful Family English School is a part of Jesus’ Helpers’ Office:
Jesus’ Helpers’ Office
You are invited to offer help, or seek help: as part of your seeking to fulfill your unique role in the Body of Christ, in this part of the Body of Christ: as you may sense the Holy Spirits leading you here, for your unique needs.
Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is presently offering opportunity for support or involvement as follows:
Helpers’ Office
This is a unique offer of supplementary activities to compliment and accomplish needful tasks of the body of Christ in our world. It is an exploit that covers areas in unique style not presently undertaken yet seen as needful and in fact directed by and under GOD’S spirit’s leading (its only covering, protector, provider, is his spirit). While praising God for all his work through all his saints of the past present and future and acknowledging this exploit does not address many works necessary and stipulated as part of the full and necessary work, in all its totality, of the body of Christ.
Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is not aligned with any present institutions. However, it is seeking to fulfil a unique role in the Body of Christ’s work in our time and world. It does not negate the work of all of the body of Christ, past present and future, but continues their work, with due acknowledgement and praise.
You are invited to offer or seek help: as part of your personal (or your community of faith’s) seeking to fulfil your unique role in the Body of Christ: your unique role as part of our Father in Heaven’s plan of salvation for his creation.
While not negating the wonder of the work done in all areas by all saints in all denominations, both past present and future, but rather praising God for that and continuing it: as his spirit so leads and enables, in acknowledgement of their contributions.
Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is endeavouring to offer (by faith) opportunity for support or involvement that connects with the areas of:
• Government, Jesus’ Governing Party. While acknowledging present ministries in this area: this work will necessitate all keen, to formally elect (vote for) Jesus’ representatives in this area of our shared community, as opposed to just those of a particular denominational character (as presently occurring (bless them for their endeavours!)). Also, it is of international scope and adaptability, while avoiding church-state arguments due to non-alignment with any institution;
• English teaching, God’s Beautiful Family English School. This is a 7 levelled programme that acknowledges that many church groups present English teaching as part of their ministry and incorporate the gospel into that work: this programme differentiates in that its entity centres around the tower of Babel’s impact on our world regarding languages and God’s indication as to fullness of reconciliation within ourselves and between one another and with him, as being foundational in this area of our shared human existence. That is: this is in truth a call to global repentance, turning away from doing as we please, to pleasing God. One could say: a religious education programme Involving language (as a connector, emphasis and subject of main consideration!). That is, the emphasis is God’s beautiful family and their need to repent to their father and be reconciled to him and then to one another: to obey his voice (and be healed (linguistically (and every way)))! To emphasise language is to treat the symptom and not the cause (with consequences);
• Legal assistance, Jesus’ Advocacy International. It is acknowledged that some endeavours are in place to provide such services in association with a denomination: however, this is unique in that it is not limited to, nor aligned with, any present denominationally-based endeavour, thus having greater capacity to assist those from all denominations (or none), and even those of other faith backgrounds (as many now do, yet this work’s non-association with any denomination liberates more fully) void of connotations of denominationally preferred doctrines. (In short, liberates to assist all (the only covering being God’s spirit, the only head, Jesus, while acknowledging secular requirements to function).). In essence, a ministry of peace-making yet in execution of judgement, seeking of truth and release from oppression (etc.);
• Reconciliation, Jesus’ Reconciliation Counselling. Avoiding barriers to the work of the God of reconciliation: surrendering to him (not limited by denominational preferences, traditions or understandings (as indicated above, and this precise generally));
• Jesus’ based multi-cultural family-life, for those from other backgrounds, Jesus’ Family’s Reconciliation. In short: meeting people where they’re at (as did Jesus, Paul and disciples (after Pentecost)), from:
• Judaism,
• Islam,
• Buddhism and
• Hinduism.
That is, while endeavouring to incorporate our developing knowledge, insights and language from other cultures and faiths, with God’s wisdom. Incorporating: the seeking of the global actualization of God’s kingdom’s coming (Jesus’ Return Evangelism). The facilitating of the developing of a global knowledge of God, as revealed through Jesus, by all. In essence, binding Satan in our world, while moving closer to the only demonstrable victor re Satan: Jesus. Eventually moving into a realm where another gospel (another Jesus) is not preached, but Jesus himself reigns. While acknowledging the good God has utilised in religious institutions (and using that) and at his speed, leaving them behind until his Kingdom’s perfected. (And going on to minister to all others, to the degree they have even become idolised themselves: The Coptic’s, Orthodox, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, the Salvation Army, Pentecostalism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, the Uniting Church, the Churches of Christ, the Baptists and Presbyterianism (and all in-between, etc. (while not negating the work of saints in and through them: past, present and future, without which, JESUS’ Helpers’ Office itself wouldn’t have now eventuated, yet needing to emphasise the main mission, Jesus’ kingdom, as opposed to any denominational or subsidiary mission (taking pre-eminence) and reminding even those of JESUS’ Helpers’ Office that the main mission (Jesus’ pre-eminence) is the main mission, must so be! That is, to the degree any institution is an obstacle to God’s kingdom unspotted by the world, it must not be acquiesced toward at all.)).) There is not a limitation, pre-eminence or protection of one’s religious background (denomination of choice), work (one’s denominational income) or insights (current teaching(s)), above the oversight, directions(s) and covering of the spirit of GOD, with the accompanying reliance on his protection, provision and knowledge.
To see oneself as a son or daughter of God: being led by his spirit (in whatever denominational setting that may currently occur).
• Outreach to children, Jesus’ Purified Children. With an emphasis on safe environment: to enhance development (in following Jesus). This incorporates JESUS’ Junior Youth: a 10-phase programme leading youth (under 20’s) to being led by Jesus (individually and as a group). It also incorporates an understanding of other denominations and a coming to terms with God’s place for them (wherever they find themselves): enabling them to see the body of Christ as a whole, the function of their (and other communities of faith) in it, combined with a sense of individual and collective responsibility for God’s blessings toward them (as they learn to be led by his spirit, in relation with Jesus and all fellow believers everywhere (see above discussion)). That is, it endeavours to give insight into the whole of the body of Christ and to see one’s denominational background in that context;
• Health assistance, Jesus’ Health Reconciliation Service ( Incorporating: complete health actualization, Jesus' Healing, Resurrection Ministry. Given over to living for Jesus: dying with him, experiencing his resurrection!). The development in living faith regarding God’s healing, active without presumption: acknowledging that some may be yet undeveloped in their faith as to a sole trust in God’s capacities in this area, so may be incorporating assistance from current available understandings and services in this area of our communal pilgrimage (while acknowledging such assistance is part of God’s provision (as per all other realms of provision), calling for due gratitude (yet acknowledging God's desire to be our Healer and for trust accordingly));
• A new economics, Jesus' faith Economics, providing services (as did Jesus) trusting God’s provision (as did Jesus): Jesus’ life economics. For example: an area of work that is particularly open to expansion into other ‘services’ is that of Legal assistance (Jesus’ Advocacy International): these services utilize skills demanded in our present cultural values, for the very activity in these areas (covering licensing requirements). That is, there is opportunity to carry out secularly credentialed tasks in a different spirit to that often confronted in our present world system: being in the world, but not of it. That is, the principles that facilitate this endeavour (as part of the Body of Christ) could be applied to other areas of human shared existence, such as plumbing, health services, electrical services provision, etc. These would be in a new realm of economics: where money was not loved, but GOD is GOD. Nor is the service of pre-eminence, but the life of Christ in us: shown by Jesus. Trusting in God’s provision: by faith;
•Peace with environment (Jesus' Sustainable Ecology and Jesus' Sustainable lifestyle). An ecology God has already revealed and that incorporates his wisdom re earth, not rebellion against;
•Peace at work (Jesus' Workers' Association). Jesus’ love for worker’s rights: in fullness of gospel’s liberty without presumptuousness (unionism centred on Jesus (as a good and faithful servant, slave, son, minister, priest and king forever)). (At lowest possible profile, demonstrating God’s work at his speed, in the mundane of life, complimented by his power and love.)
In general, all these endeavours are in Jesus’ values: charitably, without cost, in contrition and humility: Jesus’ Helper’s Office is not against the present denominational structures: it acknowledges all their unique and important contributions to the Body of Christ in the past, present and future. It is not another Gospel, and is not against the key presentations of much of that occurring in most churches, as they also present the gospel. In fact, it welcomes similar endeavours as they occur in other institutions. However, it is opposed to that style of government (within any denomination) that uses the forces of this world to institute action against others who are not in total agreement with all it holds to be infallible. That is, that which is not ‘of’ GOD, or of his spirit or in agreement with his word (this all tend to do in some manner, and it needs to be stopped/resisted/abolished, completely).
While Jesus’ Helpers’ Office relies entirely on God’s provision, through whatever means he seeks to use, it wishes to remind ‘users’ of God’s judgements against Israel for their misuse and ingratitude for what they were freely blessed with at his hand; and the consequences for this. Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is completely reliant on God’s power and protection and duly warns all involved to accordingly give God due fear in their relationship with Jesus’ Helpers’ Office. Perhaps remembrance of Ananias and Sapphira may be useful, this being within the context of God’s patience, charity and forgiveness.
In short, Jesus’ Helpers’ Office exhorts all those who see the need to use what it offers as part of the Body of Christ, to use it with the respect God would have them give it. Jesus’ Helper’s Office is not working for Mammon (monetary gain), but for God: it is not seeking to gain wealth, but rather to store up treasure in heaven. It accepts Jesus’ ‘destitution’ and acknowledges God’s absolute ownership, combined with our stewardship. This stewardship includes all God has bestowed to each of us: we are living sacrifices for His kingdoms purposes: in our individual and communal lives. In our service in and for his kingdom, we serve one another: trusting him with all our hearts and leaning not to our own understanding. In that context, we use all the resources God has blessed us with for His purposes, under his direction, as pleasing him. Such resources may include expert skills or academic credentials needed to perform certain tasks (such as advocacy in court, plumbing, driver training, etc.). In the fullness of the context here presented, this will not be based on the wisdom of this world as espoused by such credentials (though incorporating such credentials as may be required), but on the incorporation of God’s wisdom into the task needing to be performed.
That is, in short, Jesus’ Helpers’ Office will endeavour to be no more or less than a good and faithful part of GOD’S economy, his government: as demonstrated in Jesus’ life, where all involved serve one another as GOD enables and directs them, each trusting in him for his provision, in whatever form that takes (this is an activity that covers many realms not covered in similar style in currently available community of faith shared experiences: however, you may sense God’s call on your life is fully accomplished and in fact an essential part of his work in our world in your present endeavours (that’s great: praise the LORD!)). Incorporated in this will be the basic acknowledgement that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Accordingly: serving those who are yet outside the Body of Christ, as God directs (no more or less) will also occur (with due ungrateful response as experienced by Jesus. In fact, it will be acknowledged that reactionary persecution will be likely in such situations; the counting of the cost of such reaction from those still in ignorance, either by choice or otherwise will need careful deliberation by all involved. That we are all learning, maturing, being made whole, also needs acknowledging: that is, we need to suffer one another in this process of development, growth and maturation in our individual and communal pilgrimages, from fallen creatures to his image (pure as he (Jesus) is pure).
Jesus’ Helpers’ Office offers the opportunity to minister and be ministered to in a fully Christ-like manner: one that is dead to self and alive to the life of the Lord Jesus Christ being lived in each one of us. It is not limited by this information sheet or any declared program or activity, but has liberty that is part of the experience that can only occur in the presence of the Spirit of the LORD God Almighty. That is: Its work and those involved in it are not limited by its programme, but controlled by God (testing the spirits that they are his!).
In summary: Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is a service offered by grace through faith by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; to all peoples everywhere, until we all become all we were meant to be (like Jesus: his values, love, truth, etc.). That is, until all the curses and the ‘fall’ itself are dealt with fully in all our lives and in our world. Its functions are only limited by the desire to please GOD: in all it does (in every way). It: will not use the forces of this world (as Jesus didn’t). It will fulfil Adam and Eve’s ‘call’, as Jesus did: doing God’s word without deviation: as testified to, in nature, scripture, ourselves. It is committed to do all to resist temptation(s) to seek other (worldly) alternative(s); overcoming as Jesus overcame (and was not overcome). Doing all to attain to God’s perfection of pleasure; his way, completely: developing skills accordingly (by faith, as led by his spirit), and exhorting others with necessary skills to become like-minded (with Jesus!).
End of work: Jesus' Helpers' Office will no longer need to exist when individuals arrive at that point in their own spiritual 'healing', development, where they are directed by God totally on missions as he directs for them. That is, Jesus' Helpers' Office is just a resource, a tool (or channel) used by God to assist people to this point. To assist them, in a spirit that incorporates liberty: into Jesus' fold, his office, his work. Without infecting this process with its own dogma, but allowing that liberty that allows for perfect release to this perfection of fulfilment. The Final Goal: this is, the life of Christ in us: God in us. His love, joy, peace, gentleness, patience, sorrow, grief, patience: all allowed free expression in us. In fact, it is to allow the liberty of the expression of God's pleasure in us, to all its fullness: this is the final goal of Jesus' Helpers' Office. Its final end, its finish, the completion of its function, is the production in all involved, that liberty to begin the release and liberty in themselves, from themselves, only occurring in our Father in Heaven's allowance of completeness of expression: in us, in totality.
Final clarification: Jesus' Helpers' Office is not limited by its own self (its boundaries, limitations, endeavours); but is open to all the fullness of God: it allows itself to be absorbed by and subject to God; engulfed by him and completely in submission to his complete pleasure; without any reservations of any form. The aim of Jesus' Helpers' office is thus for itself not to live in truth at all: but that the Lord Jesus Christ is given full scope to live his life in it. In fact, for it to become as Jesus did: God incarnate in its world, no more or less. It has no authority except his authority; given by God, no existence except at his pleasure. It has no life except his, no love, except his, no power other than as given by the Lord God almighty: it's his!
As to its connection with other endeavours of declared Christian form; this stance should create no conflict, other than that it does not acquiesce to complete submission to any of their individual or corporate forms. This will potentially be seen as offensive and likely to cause reaction quite possibly of similar reaction to the religious establishments of Jesus' day toward himself. That is, this will be to the degree they themselves lack this totality of surrender of their lives to his. However, it is hoped there will be a commitment on the behalf of all to fulfil Jesus’ parting wish: “ … suffer one another until I return .. “.
Thus Jesus’ Helpers’ Office acknowledges the tendencies of the old fallen nature to continue in the believer (even). That is, Jesus’ Helpers’ Office acknowledges the universal tendency of all established organised institutions to defend their existence; regardless of other dynamics that may be present, even the presence of Jesus himself (in one another); this is presently a continuing natural tendency until we are cleansed and healed from the fall and its consequences. Jesus’ Helpers’ Office is committed to the non-allowance of this quality in its own functions. It will so do, by grace and give glory to God, in total surrender of its existence to God’s provision of resources, direction, and enablement: for continuation. In short, a foundational principle for the individual body will also apply here: “ … even though he slay me, yet will I trust him …”. That is, Jesus’ Helpers’ Office has no independent existence separate from God’s complete pleasure’s fulfilment. It is not of this world, it is of the spirit. (It is not imprisoning but liberates to Jesus’ life in us!). It acknowledges the contributions of all past present and future workers in Jesus’ kingdom: those of his spirit who have worked to carry out his mission on earth, for which they’ll be duly rewarded, acknowledged and fulfilled (though experiencing persecution). Thus, if you are seeking a more ‘real’, living and visible sense of Jesus in your life (in whatever form), then this is perhaps for you: within the same context that Jesus offered involvement with himself (it will cost everything).
You can contact Jesus’ Helpers’ Office (in Sydney, Australia) on:
Phone: 0416 1855 08.
Internet: JesusHelperRGC@gmail.com
Post: C/- Jesus' Helpers' Office, GPO Box 783 Sydney 2001.
Jesus’ office was to:
“ … preach good tidings unto the meek; … to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.”
JESUS’ Helpers’ Office helps (is co-worker) in this office’s fulfilment: its accomplishment, at God’s speed (in the context of God’s patience, mercy and loving-kindnesses, etc.)! (Occupied, waiting and ready for Jesus’ manifestation of all his office: in person!)
You can contact Jesus’ Helpers’ Office (in Sydney, Australia) on:
Phone: 0416 1855 08.
Internet: JesusHelperRGC@gmail.com
Post: C/- Jesus' Helpers' Office, GPO Box 783 Sydney 2001.
Jesus’ office was to:
“ … preach good tidings unto the meek; … to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.”
JESUS’ Helpers’ Office helps (is co-worker) in this office’s fulfilment: its accomplishment, at God’s speed (in the context of God’s patience, mercy and loving-kindnesses, etc.)! (Occupied, waiting and ready for Jesus’ manifestation of all his office: in person!)
{Donations via JESUS’ Advocacy International, ANZ Bank account no.: 2690 015 125 BSB: 012 110. Receipt and response will be made as the Holy Spirit enables.}